A Realization From The Movie Ice Princess

Watching movies nightly is part of my husband's daily routine. Movie  is his sleeping pill and an outlet from a tiresome day. I am not really into watching movies especially if it means paying for a ticket at the movie house. Hahahah! I could not even remember the last movie I watched.

Anyway, since Bren will be using the laptop to watch a film  (which means that I could not do my online stuff)  I therefore decided to join him. We watched the movie Ice Princess; a  2005 film by Walt Disney Pictures. Yes, it is an old movie but hubby wanted to watch his favorite movies over and over again and Ice Princess is one of them.

picture not mine

It  was my  first time watching  Ice Princess and as a parent, I was struck by its story. Casey Carlyle (Michelle Trachtenberg), a bookworm and physics genius realized that being in Harvard is not her personal dream but a dream of her mom for her and she was giving it up to pursue her new found dream; to be a professional figure skater.

Being a parent myself, I understand that Casey's mom only wanted the best for her  but I also realized  that parents do not own their children and their  future. They are only God's "babysitters" and "caretakers" and the best thing that they  should do is  guide them  to develop their  talents and potentials for them to be prepared for  the  future. I am sure that with the love and support of  the  family around them, any child  will surely  succeed in all their endeavors. 

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1 comment:

Raine said...

Haven't seen this movie but I agree with the lesson that we don't own our children and we should respect what they want in life :D

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