A Hard Day: Pregnancy Days

Pregnancy has been one of the most worthwhile and memorable journey and I am exactly into it right now. The last 12 weeks of it has been very fine. I have experienced hormonal changes every so often but thanks be to God for He helped me overcome all of it.

This day, I can say has been one of the hardest among all of those pregnancy days. I have been to the bathroom twice in less than an hour interval to puke. I am really having a hard time today but at the end of it, I have my 6- month old little nephew who needs me and who also gives me strength to carry it all.

I pray that days like this will soon be over. I know I am not just the one experiencing this and I am sharing this experience to all the moms-to-be. We can make it! Looking forward to see and hold those little angels in our hands when the right time comes. Life is a miracle indeed. It may be hard but at the end of the day you can still smile and be thankful for the gift that the Lord has bestowed on you as a woman.

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Kangaroo said...

Hi mother-to-be Welcome to the blogging world. I feel for you, I have been through it and it is not easy. You will soon get over it and then the lightening starts. wehehehe that is the one of the exciting stages. Enjoy the pregnancy. I did enjoy mine.

Anonymous said...

Hello rovs,

You write very well. I'm reading your stories. Take care always! :)


Rovie said...

@ Kangaroo: Thanks so much! I'm just trying my luck in blogging... hehehe...

@ Bless: Thanks for dropping by bless. Miss you! God bless you both!

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