Staying Positive

Life is really full of uncertainties. Nobody knows what the future holds. But the Lord said " I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for" (Jeremiah 28:11). As a believer of Christ, I know and I have no doubt in His words.

There are a lot of situation in our lives that we questioned God especially if things do not happen as we expect it to be. As for me, I am thankful that God has given me the grace to have a grateful and obedient heart. I may not understand all the things that is happening in my life now but I still cling on to my faith and believe that everything happens for a reason.

I usually see things positively believing that everything shall pass and nothing is permanent. I look at all situation good or bad to be a learning opportunity. Instead of wallowing on things that cannot help, I focus on things and blessings that come across my way; be it to me personally or to the people I care.

Recent blessings that I should be thankful for are the safe delivery of my friend Kir to a healthy and beautiful baby Katahum, Mareng Claire passing her medical exam for her US Visa application, the online opportunities that came along, the arrival of our new laptop, our progressing immigration application, the progressing proceeding of the case, and most of all, my healthy and stress-free pregnancy and finally, the love and support of my family and friends.

Life may not be perfect for me but I believe that I am blessed for I know that the Lord has bigger and better plans for me and my family.There is no reason to doubt nor fear the future but instead stay positive and look forward to a brighter future ahead.

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dee said...

Yeah..Staying Positive Rovie and always keep on spirit! Nice post article..

Rovie said...

thanks so much for reading deas...

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