What Women Can Do

In my random Facebook browsing,  I happen to see this quote shared in my sister's timeline. I wanted to share this to everyone, especially to all the women readers because I know we can all relate to this.

Grabbed From Facebook

So to all the gentlemen out there, consider yourselves warned. Do not dare mess with women! lol :)

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rona said...

Hahaha!! i love it, i love it, i love it! Yun lang ang masasabi ko! hahaha.

Anonymous said...


Rovie said...

Hahaha! I let my husband read it. Nakatawa sya ng malakas! LOL

Rovie said...

Thanks dear! I miss you!

betchai said...

hahahha, you made me laugh Rovs, so true and the last line is so funny, love it!

KM said...

Funny no? I guess, every guy knows this already, but just won't admit. Hehe!

By the way, hindi ko pa alam kung boy or girl ang pea in the pod, pero oo nga no, di ko nga napansin na pang "boy" pala ang napili kong theme sa blog makeover ko. Naisip ko lang na blue kasi yung previous eh pink, so para maiba naman. Naku, pag boy, matutuwa si Vince ng bongga kasi gusto nya boy ang panganay. Hehe! Palitan ko na kaya ngayon? Baka mag-dilang anghel ka, Rovs, eh gusto ko girl. LOL.

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