Watching Live Concerts

My husband and I have been talking about our  previous experiences watching live concerts during our college days. How we so enjoyed it especially when our common favorite filipino rock band Eraserheads are the one playing on stage. Most of the time, concert goers went wild during the performance and it is  a good thing that  crowd control devices are available to keep everyone safe.

To be further kept apart from the crowd,  we usually avail tickets near the stage which are only separated by a stanchions so watching the concerts becomes more exciting. Although ticket prices are a bit higher compared with the standard rate, it was okay because in that manner we get to enjoy the show and at the  same time feeling a little safer near the front stage.

One thing I noticed during most concerts aside from the usual barricades, are the velvet rope which are installed  in  the event venue which  in a way controls the crowd. I believe that  utilizing  equipment  like the ones I saw in the concert generally keeps the event more organized.

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